Technology Talk Notes

STELLA 2012 Unconference
Brooklyn College Library (CUNY)
November 9, 2012

Notes for the Technology Talk, 11/9/2012 3:00-4:15pm

Here are what people talked about.

Kari Kozak facilitated the discussion.  Joe Kraus took the notes.

Surprised that the instruction room has desktops.  Takes up space.  Desktops could discourage people from stealing the computers.  Some instruction rooms have wifi issues, so laptops are not advisable.  With desktop computers, students can use them more quickly, since they are already turned on.

NYU has a laptop cart that isn’t used very often.  Stanford has a laptop cart that is used all the time.  There are some issues with getting the laptops to boot up quickly, and dealing with software update announcements on the laptops every once in a while.

Stanford purchased 300 iPads for checkout for faculty.  Iowa looking at a cheaper tablet that is not an iPad.  UTEP libraries had done this. They will be checked out to students.

Iowa getting a media:scape. Put into a corner at first, but will move it around. University of Washington in Seattle has this, and it gets used there.  It is in their research commons space.

NC State Libraries has a technology play room called the Technology Sandbox.

Here is a video of the NCSU bookbot. The system is also at Utah State and Santa Clara.

Iowa would like an iPad app that can keep track of what is being used in the library, and pulled into an access databases.  For example, what chairs are available for students?  The example cited is the Suma application iPad
The library would need to figure out how to build the application using Github.

What other libraries are doing innovative stuff with technology? University of Washington in Seattle.  They have moveable electricity plugins in the ceiling. Another steelcase product.  Georgia Tech is also doing the same.

Presentation by a librarian at Calgary at Internet Librarian.

Skateboard lockers?

Stanford has an electronic digital bulletin board.  Lots of library news. This is the RSS from

Digital picture frames at the circulation desk.  Use flashdrives to update. People think they look nice.  Shows loan periods, hours open, etc.

Maker spaces and 3D printers. Could be used by more than just engineers if it was in the library.  Lego mindstorms, Arduino boards. There were some presentations at Internet Librarian.

Stanford has Solidworks software on all computers on campus.

NYU would like to get visualization software and labs.  Too expensive to also have the software in the library.  Who buys what software?

Helen went to Crerar library at U Chicago. They had a data visualization system with 3D glasses, haptic, high def monitors, and different types of Input devices.

Iowa would like to have a 3D instruction room.  Could be used for 3D graphics and design with military applications and research, or molecular and chemical modelling. Would be great to have, but her single instruction needs to be used for multiple purposes. Need 3D glasses, and 3D plasma screens, etc.

Rutgers is using Google Hangouts for virtual meetings with three or more people.  Some libraries use skype for one to one meetings.

Where do people put links to mobile databases? Mobile tab on a libguide. Stanford has a list of mobile pages on a webpage.

Stanford Can check out technology (different types of smartphones or tablets) so students can test out their programs on HTC, android, ipads and other technology.  It is interesting to see what students add to those devices.  Some of this is noted before the devices are wiped clean for the next person to check out.

NJIT checks out ipads for three hours to students.

Library will Check out tape measure and rules, and little screw drives to fix glasses.
VCU checks out bicycles.  Some public libs checking out various size cake pans.  There is no need for patrons to purchase a Sponge Bob Square Pants cake pan, but someone might want to check it out.

How do you keep up with Tech?

Spark podcast at the CBC.

Wired Magazine.

Jason Griffey.
and other projects,

Here is the MIT technology graveyard.

Are there any librarians like Kim Komando?  Maybe some thing like

We didn’t talk about catalog and new generation catalogs like summon or encore.

Tagging books in the catalog.  Could be done with course names. Could be done with the Harvard awesome box books.